Goal achieved…now what?

Goal achieved…now what? You set it, you achieved it and you find yourself asking “now what?” To figure out the next step you need to ask yourself a few questions. Have I reached my objective? Think of your objectives as your vision of where you’d like to get to. Generally there are several goals that…

Getting back on track

Getting back on track Losing your way, falling off the wagon – there are many ways to describe the process of getting off track with your goals. There are even more quotes out there that tell us that the trick to getting back on track is to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get…

Supporting others to achieve their goals

Supporting others to achieve goals As a manager, leader, supervisor or team members it’s a valuable approach to provide support to others in achieving their goals. Benefits of supporting others Supporting someone else to achieve their goals has a range of benefits. These include: Feel good that you have helped someone. Learn more about the…