Support managers and leaders with their professional development with flexible, tailored coaching programs.

FMI has supported thousands of managers over the last 20 years and is a leader in this field.

Coaching for managers

FMI’s coaching for managers includes a selection of programs designed to help you significantly improve your performance as a manger or leader.

Compared with attending a one or two day short course, FMI’s coaching programs for managers provide a flexible 6 – 14 week management development option that will help :

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of concepts
  • Develop confidence to apply new approaches to work
  • Overcome challenges when making changes to work
  • Apply strengths and interests to improve work
  • Engage in a self-directed Management Application Project (MAP) with support and guidance from peers and Advisers

FMI'S approach to coaching for managers

FMI has developed a range of 6 – 14 week coaching programs to give you the time you need to learn and apply new skills to work to improve your performance as a manager or leader.

FMI’s full range of short courses are available as coaching programs offering a flexible way to develop management skills that fits in with your schedule and budget. We also provide coaching support options for each of our training programs.

Programs are designed to be delivered when you want, where you want and cover the content that is most relevant to you.

Coaching program framework

Working with the coach, you will set outcomes the outcomes you wish to achieve through the coaching. This agreement is documented so it can be referred back to review and check progress being made. Each coaching session is 60 minutes long and scheduling of days and times is very flexible with options for early mornings, evenings and even weekends.

Management coaching program and session delivery

FMI coaches are experienced as leaders and managers themselves and help people with practical and effective coaching to enhance their abilities as leaders and managers. Participants select the date and time of coaching sessions which are delivered by phone, video call, online or face to face. During these sessions the coach will tailor the session design based on your objectives.


Coaching programs combine one on one sessions with feedback, reflection and workplace application tasks. Together, these activities provide an effective approach for learning new skills and developing improved habits and approaches to management and leadership. These new behaviours help us become more effective managers and leaders.


Ready to Get Started?

Enquire now to speak with our friendly team to discuss your training and coaching needs.